1 review for CVCe Long Vowels Interactive Notebook
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⭐ Your students will love practicing long vowels with this fun and engaging interactive notebook!
⭐ For each set of words, students will read, trace, write, match, and spell words for thorough, engaging practice!
⭐ Interactive notebooks are a great way for students to keep all their practice in one place so they can go back and review!
✅ The 7 sets of words in the notebook are:
☆ tape, rake, gate, cake, cave
☆ cane, wave, cape, game, bake
☆ dice, dive, vine, kite, lime
☆ mice, pine, bike, five, dime
☆ bone, mole, robe, rose, home
☆ cone, hose, rope, nose, vote
☆ tune, fuse, cube, tube, June
As a BONUS I’ve Included 4 fun mystery pictures for review where students color by CVCe word to reveal the picture!
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Jen Schickedanz –
This is great for my students with learning disabilities. Thank you!