How We Easily Integrate Science into Our Kindergarten Day

With expectations always rising for our little learners, it can be hard to find time to go beyond the basics and include science in our day! I’m going to share with you how we easily integrate science to get everything in!

Not only will integrating science into your instruction help you get all the standards covered, but kids are naturally curious about the world around them. Your students will be so engaged as they learn the concepts and practice skills!

#1 Integrating Science with ELA

Find simple readers that incorporate science concepts!

I love using these take home books from my Kindergarten Science Lessons & Printables Pack for students to practice sight words and phonics. The repetitive nature gives even the earliest of readers confidence.

When reading science books together, talk about features such as title, author, and illustrator. Use context clues to figure out the meaning of unknown words. Compare and contrast different texts about the same subject.

Here are some of my favorite intro to science books:

Don’t forget to stock up your classroom library with lots of nonfiction science books! I LOVE the animal books from National Geographic. The Level 1 books are great for higher kindergarten readers. Gail Gibbons also has some amazing  science books!


#2 Integrating Science with Math

When you talk about the tools that scientists use, use math talk and practice measuring with rulers and other nonstandard measurements, scales, and thermometers.

Many science concepts  lend themselves to practicing the math skills of comparing (rocks for example) and sorting (animal types). I love using hands on sorts for as many science lessons that I can.

#3 Integrating Science with Writing

Every week with my kindergartner we practice writing sentences. But instead of just writing about random things, we write about what we are learning in science that week! Sometimes we write sentences from our Can-Have-Are charts if we are learning about an animal. Other times we might write a fact about a habitat or landform we studied. If we are learning about weather or the seasons we might write about that. While writing we are focusing on making a complete sentence, using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation!

I hope these tips have given you some ideas for easily integrating science into your day! All of the pages are from my Kindergarten Science Lessons & Printables Pack – a 36 week NGSS aligned curriculum!

See it HERE!


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