One of my favorite things to do is teach kids how to read! It used to be so intimidating, but I have grown to love it. There is nothing like watching a child read a sentence or a book for the first time and seeing the excitement and joy on their face!
My favorite 2 things to teach students as they are learning to read are CVC words and sight words. (If you’d like to read more about the best ways to teach sight words, you can read my post here.)
CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words are so great for students to put into practice all the sounds that they have learned. With so many words in the English language that don’t sound like they look like they should, it is nice to have predictable words for students to learn.
When introducing CVC words, I like to do it in the context of word families. It groups them together in a way that forces repetition, which is a key to building fluency.
I use a CVC interactive notebook that lets students interact with the word families in different ways. First, we make the words from letter tiles.
Then we move on to reading a word and matching it with the picture.
Next, we trace the word, read it, and match again.
Finally we make a flip chart, practice reading, and write the words on our own.
Making reading fun is something I strive to do. So, I also love incorporating some mystery pictures using color by CVC words to review.
To get my CVC Word Families Interactive Notebook plus the CVC Word Family Mystery Pictures, you can find them HERE in my TpT store.
I have also just recently added a new CVCe Interactive Notebook, that takes the next step in learning to read by teaching students long vowels with silent ‘e’ at the end.
After learning how to decode CVC words and learning a few sight words (which make up 50-70% of most texts), students will have a great start on their path to reading!