We had so much fun last week learning about turkeys! It’s amazing how excited kids can be about non-fiction stuff. My 1st grader loves doing research and learning facts! I love that I can start teaching my kids the process of how to ask questions and find the information themselves.
He was so proud of his finished research project!
We read books and answered questions, completed a KWL chart and Can-Have-Are chart, compared turkeys and owls using a venn diagram, sorted turkey facts and opinions, labeled a turkey, wrote a turkey poem, and even learned how to draw a turkey.
You can get this non-fiction pack in my TpT store HERE.
Here is also a list of a few great Thanksgiving activities that are FREE!
Pilgrim Hat Hundreds Chart Mystery Picture
Thanksgiving Color By Number & Color By Sight Words
Thanksgiving Informational Texts By: GreatMinds123
Gobblin Up Multiple Meaning Words By: Big Hair Speech Therapy
Thanksgiving Reader By: Erin Palleschi
Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions By: Rachel Lynette
*Disclaimer – All of these products are listed as free at the time of this post. Sometimes authors change the price of products. I apologize if any are no longer free or available.